
Die Suche ergab 4 Treffer (0,60 Sek.).
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Doyle, Arthur Conan
Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of Boscombe Pool

level 3
(Penguin Readers)
Penguin Books , 2007 - 38 S. ISBN 978-1-4058-6261-5

Who killed Charles McCarthy? And why? Was it really his son? Sherlock Holmes, the famous English detective, must answer these questions. His friend, Dr Watson, helps him to find the murderer.
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 15.12.2008
Stadtbücherei Wertheim
Romane 3
Englisch  Doyl

Schoene Literatur

Poe, Edgar Allan
The Black Cat and Other Stories

level 3
(Penguin Readers)
Penguin Books , 2007 - 38 S. ISBN 978-1-4058-6259-2

These four stories of murder and mystery will frighten you! Edgar Allan Poe writes about terrible people with strange lives. Do you have a black cat...?
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 15.12.2008
Stadtbücherei Wertheim
Romane 3
Englisch  Poe

Schoene Literatur

Stoker, Bram

level 3
(Penguin Readers)
Penguin Books , 2007 - 52 S. ISBN 978-1-4058-6260-8

Count Dracula is a vampire. He drinks people´s blood. He lives in a lonely castle in the mountains of Transylvania. But then he comes to England... Professor van Helsing knows about vampires, but c...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 15.12.2008
Stadtbücherei Wertheim
Romane 3
Englisch  Stok

Schoene Literatur

Wilde, Oscar
The Picture of Dorian Gray

level 4
(Penguin Readers)
Penguin Books , 2007 - 69 S. ISBN 978-1-4058-6263-9

As the years pass Dorian Gray always looks young and handsome. A picture of him is locked in a dark room. What has happened to the picture and why does no one ever see it?
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 15.12.2008
Stadtbücherei Wertheim
Romane 3
Englisch  Wild

Schoene Literatur


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