Schöne Literatur


Stadtbücherei Friedrichsdorf
Autor:Power, Rory
Titel:Burn our bodies down
Verfasserangabe:Rory Power
Erschienen:London : Macmillan Children's Books, 2020. - 340 Seiten
Preis:8,99 Euro
Standort:5.2 POW
Annotation:Ever since Margot was born, it's been just her and her mother. No answers to Margot's questions. No history to hold on to. Just the two of them, stuck in their run-down apartment, struggling to get along. But that's not enough for Margot. She wants family. She wants a past. And when she finds a photograph pointing her to a town called Phalene, she leaves. But when Margot gets there, it's not what she bargained for. Margot's mother left for a reason. But was it to hide her past? Or was it to protect Margot from what's still there?


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100689886532 5.2 POW verfügbar


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