Schöne Literatur


Stadtbücherei Friedrichsdorf
Autor:Atwood, Margaret
Titel:The handmaid's tale
Verfasserangabe:Margaret Atwood
Erschienen:London : Vintage, 1996. - 320 Seiten
Preis:9,79 Euro
Standort:Fremdsprachige Romane ATW
Annotation:Offred is a Handmaid in The Republic of Gilead, a religious totalitarian state in what was formerly known as the United States. She is placed in the household of The Commander, Fred Waterford - her assigned name, Offred, means 'of Fred'. She has only one function: to breed. If Offred refuses to enter into sexual servitude to repopulate a devastated world, she will be hanged. Yet even a repressive state cannot eradicate hope and desire. As she recalls her pre-revolution life in flashbacks, Offred must navigate through the terrifying landscape of torture and persecution in the present day, and between two men upon which her future hangs.


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100690194532 Fremdsprachige Romane ATW verfügbar

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