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Die Suche ergab 5 Treffer (0,72 Sek.).
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Kinney, Jeff
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Dog Days

(Gregs Tagebuch ; 4)
Harmondsworth : Puffin , 2011 - 214 Seiten : 7,50 EUR ISBN 978-0-14-133197-3

Greg Heffley's family are going to have to count their pennies this summer.That means, no beach holiday and lots of 'family togetherness'. Which doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun. The only good...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 14.11.2022


Kinney, Jeff
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Greg Heffley´s Journal

a novel in cartoons with annotations
(Gregs Tagebuch ; 1)
Stuttgart : Ernst Klett Sprachen , 2021 - 1. Auflage - 231 Seiten : 9,99 EUR ISBN 978-3-12-578048-4

Life as a kid can really stink. And no one knows this better than Greg Heffley. He knows how unfair it is to be stuck in a classroom with a bunch of morons. And that the smaller, weaker kids share ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 14.11.2022


Kinney, Jeff
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Rodrick Rules

(Gregs Tagebuch ; 2)
Harmondsworth : Puffin , 2015 - Reissued - 216 Seiten : 8,50 EUR ISBN 978-0-14-132491-3

It's a brand-new year and a brand-new journal and Greg Heffley is keen to put the humiliating (and secret!) events of last summer firmly behind him. But someone knows everything, someone whose job ...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 14.11.2022


Kinney, Jeff
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Last Straw

(Gregs Tagebuch ; 3)
Harmondsworth : Puffin , 2010 - Reissued - 216 Seiten : 8,50 EUR ISBN 978-0-14-132492-0

Greg Heffley's dad is on a mission! He's decided it's time for this wimpy kid to become, well, less wimpy and has planned lots of "manly" activities for him and his son. Greg somehow manages to fin...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 14.11.2022


Kinney, Jeff
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Ugly Truth

(Gregs Tagebuch ; 5)
Harmondsworth : Puffin , 2015 - Reissued - 217 Seiten : 7,50 EUR ISBN 978-0-14-134082-1

Greg Heffley has always been in a hurry to grow up. Being older means you can live alone, eat whatever you want for dinner and don't have to share with your brothers. PERFECT. At least, that's what...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 14.11.2022



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