

Autor:Smyth, Ciara
Titel:Not My Problem
Verfasserangabe:Ciara Smyth
Erschienen:London : Andersen Press, 2021. - 388 Seiten
Fußnote:Text in englischer Sprache. In Deutschland als "NN" erschienen.
Preis:6,99 Euro
Standort:All-Age Smyth
Interessenkreis:Englisch ; LGBTQ ; Lesbian
Schlagwort(e):Jugendbuch ; Jugendbücher ; All-Age ; U21 ; Crossover ; Young Adult ; Roman ; Romane ; Jugendroman ; Jugendromane ; Englisch ; LGBTQ ; Lesbian ; Lesbisch ; Lesbe ; Lesben ; Lesbische Liebe ; Liebe ; Romanze ; Romance ; Homosexualität ; Homosexuell ; Homosexuelle ; Homosexuelles Paar ; Queer ; LGBTIQ ; LGBTQIA+ ; LGBTQIA2S+ ; WLW ; Sapphic
Annotation:Aideen is a rulebreaker. Maebh is the super-ambitious class swot. When Aideen reluctantly agrees to help Maebh escape her crazy workload, she never expects the solution to mean pushing Maebh "down the stairs". Yet Aideen soon realises she has a talent for fixing other students' problems, aided by Kavi, her willing accomplice in crime. Whether it's stealing a confiscated phone or arranging a late-night breakout, Aiden will sort it out. But Aideen's own life is a mess - her mam's drinking again, her best friend is avoiding her and she's flunking school. As she spends more time with Kavi and the uptight (but annoyingly cute) Maebh, Aideen starts to wonder: can every problem be solved?


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