

Autor:West, Hannah
Titel:Palace of Silver
Reihe/Zeitschrift:(The Nissera Chronicles ; 3)
Verfasserangabe:Hannah West
Erschienen:1. Auflage - New York : Holdiday House, 2020. - 450 Seiten
Fußnote:Text in englischer Sprache. In Deutschland als "NN" erschienen.
Preis:14,00 Euro
Standort:All-Age West
Schlagwort(e):Jugendbuch ; Jugendbücher ; All-Age ; U21 ; Crossover ; Young Adult ; Roman ; Romane ; Jugendroman ; Jugendromane ; Englisch ; Fantasy ; Gefahr ; Intrigen ; Verrat ; Königreich ; Königin
Annotation:Once upon a time there were four queens in the land of Nissera. An uneasy peace reigns now that Valory has vanquished the Moth King and settled into her rightful place as queen of Calgoran. New leaders Glisette and Kadri hope to usher the neighboring kingdoms into an era of healing and prosperity. But there's a fourth queen in charge: Ambrosine, banished overseas to Perispos. Driven by vanity she vows to become the most powerful and beautiful ruler in the world, even if it means oppressing the mortal kingdom she is meant to protect. Meanwhile a dangerous uprising, led by elicromancer - hating rebels, gains momentum. Rot spreads through the Forest of the West Fringe. Valory goes missing. Facing enemies on all sides, Glisette and Kadri must reckon with the role of magic. How far will they go to defend their power - and can they build an uprising of their own?


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