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Die Suche ergab 2 Treffer (0,22 Sek.).
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Conon Doyle, Arthur
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes and other stories
San Diego : Canterbury Classics , 2011 - 1032 Seiten : Illustrationen : 16,99 EUR ISBN 978-1-60710-211-3

There is one literary detective who stands above all others, whose powers of deduction are known the world over, whose influence can still be felt in today's most modern whodunits. Who is it, you a...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 30.04.2021
Ofk21  Con


Wells, H.G.
Six Novels

the time machine, the island of Dr. Moreau, the invisible man, the war of the worlds, the first men
San Diego : Canterbury Classics , 2012 - 639 Seiten : Illustrationen : 20,74 EUR ISBN 978-1-60710-496-4

[mehr]  |  Zugang: 30.04.2021
Ofk21  Wel



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