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Steel, Danielle
Against all odds
2017 - 410 S. : 4,00 EUR ISBN 978-1-5098-0023-0

Kate Madison’s stylish boutique has been a big success in New York, supporting her and her four kids since her husband’s untimely death. Now, her children have grown up and are ready to forge lives...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 23.11.2018
SL  Stee

Schöne Literatur


Entl. Jahr: 0
Entl. Vorjahr: 0
Toon, Paige
The last piece of the heart
2017 - 402 S. : 4,00 EUR ISBN 978-1-4711-6255-8

A successful travel journalist, Bridget has ambitions to turn her quirky relationship blog about the missing pieces of her heart into a book. But after a spate of rejections from publishers, she ac...
[mehr]  |  Zugang: 23.11.2018
SL  Toon

Schöne Literatur


Entl. Jahr: 0
Entl. Vorjahr: 0

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